We are XR App Developer

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WebXR Product Display

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The reality–virtuality continuum covers virtual reality on one end and augmented reality with mixed reality falling in the middle. This is called Extended Reality (XR). We can help you choose the right technology (AR, VR, or MR) as well as the related devices and services.

While many clients are sensitive to the various complexities of interior design, some will inevitably that struggle to visualize exactly what is being proposed, even with the aid of 2D visuals.

Virtual Reality is here, letting your client step directly into the dream of your designs and feel what your proposal is in their space.

Take branded product marketing to the next level. Our software tools and holographic display technology enable immersive 3D experiences without "headgear", allowing you to showcase the best products in the best light with the least amount of friction for your customers.

Louis CHEUNG - Founder

Expert in XR Application Development. He always solves problems in the area of 3D Content Creation, Modification, and Integration to XR Scenarios.